

Welcome to my blog thanks for visiting. This blog is a place for

you to keep up with my crazy life, should I have the time to post about it. You will find sneak peeks of my client's recent

photo sessions and events . I truely love photography and

spend most of my time doing just that so be patient...... blogging, tweeting and facebook usually take a backseat!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Talarico Family

A few weeks back I spent the late afternoon photographing the Talarico family. How cute are they?I have known Vinnie and Lisa for a very long time.It was great working with them and their adorable
children Matt, Elyse and Nina .
Here is a quick peek at their day.
Nina you are ADORABLE!!!!

Love this Picture.

So Cute!!!!

Matt your pretty cute too!

                                  Elyse you have the sweetest smile.

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