

Welcome to my blog thanks for visiting. This blog is a place for

you to keep up with my crazy life, should I have the time to post about it. You will find sneak peeks of my client's recent

photo sessions and events . I truely love photography and

spend most of my time doing just that so be patient...... blogging, tweeting and facebook usually take a backseat!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Making New Year's Resolutions have never
been that successful for me or anyone else I know.
This year my resolution is focusing on something I love to do and that is taking pictures.

Every day I see things that interest me.
My goal this year .......
will be to take at least one photograph every
day of something that has inspired or intrigued me.
Yesterday I took I drive to Maine with a few friends and this is what I saw! They were not intrigued just annoyed as I continually turned the car around.
I love the sled leaning on the house with the fishing gear.
The barn with the large black letters and wreath make me wish it was mine! What a great studio it would be.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Winter Engagement Shoot!

Sue and Chris thanks for braving the weather... Cold and rainy to say the least!