

Welcome to my blog thanks for visiting. This blog is a place for

you to keep up with my crazy life, should I have the time to post about it. You will find sneak peeks of my client's recent

photo sessions and events . I truely love photography and

spend most of my time doing just that so be patient...... blogging, tweeting and facebook usually take a backseat!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Annemarie & Craig

What a Great wedding. Annemarie is the definition of a beautiful bride. She was glowing
from the moment we arrived, even before makeup! Checkout a few images of the

"sunny" day.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sue & Christian

The day started out worrying about rain once again, no surprise this summer! However the evening was another story. The clouds broke and the night turned out to be just perfect.
Sue and Chris thanks for allowing me to share in your special day!
After hearing Mary Pat (Patsy) speak of the Irish gang for years it was nice to see them all together. You both looked Great!