

Welcome to my blog thanks for visiting. This blog is a place for

you to keep up with my crazy life, should I have the time to post about it. You will find sneak peeks of my client's recent

photo sessions and events . I truely love photography and

spend most of my time doing just that so be patient...... blogging, tweeting and facebook usually take a backseat!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

World's Worst Blogger

Ok..... I know I am the worst blogger in the history of blogging.  I am reminded of this fact frequently by
nasty phone calls and emails from friends, not clients!  My clients always receive their images in a timely manner.  I just don't always post it here!  

So here is a rundown of what I have been up to and where I have been the past few months.
December was a blur.... lots of holiday cards and newborn pics.  
January started off fantastic!  I spent a week in Havana, Cuba on a photo workshop with Peter Turnley. 
February I was off to Las Vegas for a week to attend the WPPI conference with my friend and assistant, Sue.  Awesome time! 
March I was  busy with school, a wedding and working on wedding albums. 
April was another busy month with school and a trip to Nashville. 
May finds me busy with portraits, newborns and re-orders.  Finally,  I can post a few images of the 
adorable Mattie Cataldo. 

Last Thursday I met with Matt and Meg (former wedding clients) at their new home to photograph their 
new baby girl.  She was awesome!  Here are a few images that make me smile!  The end of our 
session had a little different feeling due to diaper issues.  I will keep the details to your imagination!!!