

Welcome to my blog thanks for visiting. This blog is a place for

you to keep up with my crazy life, should I have the time to post about it. You will find sneak peeks of my client's recent

photo sessions and events . I truely love photography and

spend most of my time doing just that so be patient...... blogging, tweeting and facebook usually take a backseat!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Amanda & Jimmy

We could not have wished for a more beautiful day than yesterday. After a week of
rain and chilly weather I was not expecting such a gorgeous day. Amanda & Jimmy
your Wedding was fantastic! The day just flew by. There wedding was held at Christ the
King in Brockton, it will always be Saint Colman's to me. It was my parish for 30 years.
When I entered the church it was like going back in time. I promised a peek before I boarded the plane so here it is....

Amanda & Her Dad Paul.

So Relaxed before Wedding
Love Amanda's Expression!

So classic..... love Black & White

Girls you look Fabulous!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Anne & Matt

I have been crazy busy working on Anne & Matt's wedding , it will post in a few days.
Here is a quick glance of that special day.